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Safe 365

At HSE International we are proud to be the Canadian Premium Partners of the Safe365 cloud-based health and safety application.

Safe365, one of our technology partners, provides the platform to allow you to assess and manage your work health and safety. Using the Safe365 technology, we can complete a safety assessment of your business, set up your risk profile and benchmarking, and input your action plan. We can then track and analyse your results in the system so you can see real return on your dollar. Easy, visual reporting allow you to keep safety top of mind at meetings and ensure you’re meeting compliance requirements. 

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What is Safe 365?

Safe365 is an intelligent application designed to ensure a compliant health and safety environment. This intelligent tool is an online subscription application that enables you to monitor, assess and improve your organisational safety structure. Regular updates and notifications of health and safety development, ensures your team’s safety at its best, everytime!

How does it work?


The Safe365 application is an easy and intuitive piece of software that can provide effective diagnosis of your current organisational health and safety status. Packed full of features, Safe365 allows you to further deep dive into relevant safety data in real-time, so you can improve business performance and ensure a safe and timely result for your clients and maximum safety for your employees.

Safe365 is a digital health and safety platform that uses the power of data to save lives and strengthen business performance.

The platform allows your business to assess and improve health & safety maturity, embed effective daily routines, benchmark your business, and use data to drive continuous improvement.

Build a safer workforce and a better business with Safe365 and HSE International.

Assess. Diagnose. Improve. Monitor.

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For more information about our how Safe 365 can help you build a safer workplace, select CONTACT US below or call toll free on 866 337 4734 to arrange an appointment with one of our experienced team members today.


Schedule a Free 30-minute Consulting Assessment Call

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